A year ago, I made a promise to myself. Life, as I knew it, was changing. Different priorities, different challenges, and different people. I did not want to repeat my mistakes. I promised myself, whatever I do, at the end of the year, I had to be someone I was proud of. I wanted to change the narrative.
What does it take to be proud of yourself? I tried everything I could. I was desperate. However, I failed at more things than I succeeded. Now, when I look back, despite everything that went wrong, I see the pessimistic person not giving up. The conscious effort that I put in for my improvement makes me proud and not the outcome of my efforts.
The cycle is repeating, again. This year, like every year, there are lots of unfinished businesses. Interestingly, I don't have an elaborate plan for the year, like I always do. I am dealing with a lot of uncertainties and this year will be all about embracing them. However, I am certain about one thing, the learnings of 2022 will help me immensely and I am grateful for all of it.
Thank you, everyone, who has been a part of my journey. A very happy new year to all of you! May you all overcome the hurdles you face.