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Trigger warning: Contains disgusting abuses

Our subconscious thoughts find their way out, one way or the other. For instance, a lot of us don't truly consider females and LGBTQ+ community as equals. This is evident in our daily interactions. How many times have we seen people use 'ch*kka', 'h*jde', 'p*ssy' as a synonym for cowardice? 'C*nt' to refer to a despicable person. 'R*ndi' to slut shame and degrade women.

Then come all the rapist abuses. 'M*d*rch*d', 'b*h*nch*d' etc. These things literally mean that so and so female shall be raped. Would such things even come to mouth if deep down, females weren't seen as objects?

Using all of these doesn't make you 'cool'. It either tells that you are too disgusting a person deep inside or too stupid, to utter words with zero regards for what it means.

I understand that for most of us, these abuses have been in ingrained in our jargon in the very early stages of our school life, when we actually didn't know what all of it meant. But now that we do, why can't we give it up? And it's very much possible. I gave up all these despicable terms about 3 years back. Never felt the need to use them ever again. It's my sincere request to everyone who is reading this. Enormous amount of activism is happening all across the world to bring a change in our ideologies. If you actually consider every human being as equal, give all of it up. Starting, right now.

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